

Pies + Tarts

razzleberry pie

Razzleberry Pie

Razzleberry pie happens when you throw raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and a little magic into a pie crust. Honestly, I must admit, I had never heard of this kind of pie until my husband told me about it. He had discovered it years ago when he and a close friend from high school stumbled upon it […]

lemon tart

Lemon Tart “Tarte au Citron”

As the sun blazes and temperatures rise, there’s nothing quite like a classic lemon tart to refresh your palate. Originating from France, this dessert epitomizes the delicate balance of French patisserie, combining a buttery, flaky crust with a smooth, tangy lemon filling. This is a lovely dessert to enjoy after a sun-drenched afternoon and a […]

key lime pie

Key Lime Pie

Indulge in a slice of sunshine with the iconic key lime pie, a dessert that awakens the taste buds with its zesty flavor and smooth, velvety texture. This beloved dessert has captured hearts and palates worldwide for decades and is a favorite of my husband, which is why I’m blogging about it. It’s also the […]

banana cream pie

Bourbon Banana Cream Pie

A cream pie, of any kind, is a variation of an old-fashioned custard pie. But to me, a banana cream pie is a culinary work of art.  It is a magical combination of creamy vanilla custard, bananas, and whipped cream all layered together. This dreamy filling is set in an irresistible coconut graham cracker crumble […]

chocolate cream pie

Chocolate Cream Pie With Graham Cracker Crust

Chocolate cream pie with graham cracker crust be still my heart. Pies and tarts with edible pastry became popular during the court of Queen Elizabeth I. Americans’ taste for pies, both sweet and savory kinds, arrived in the New World along with colonists. Sweet pies entered our baking repertoire once the domestic sugar industry took […]

coconut cream pie

Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut cream pie falls in the “retro dessert” category. By retro, I mean an old-fashioned/vintage dessert that evokes a feeling of nostalgia whenever I have it. This old-school dessert may have fallen in and out of popularity over the years, but it should not be forgotten. From custards and puddings to jiggly mid-century confections, many […]

apple crumble pie

Apple Crumble Pie

Let’s talk about pie. Most love it. I have learned to enjoy it. My husband can eat it anywhere, anytime. I’m just more select. I’m picky about the crust, the filling, and the topping, so if I’m going to eat pie and truly enjoy it, it better be worth it. This apple crumble pie is […]

strawberry rhubarb galette

Strawberry Rhubarb Galette

Everyone has a preferred fruit, but not everyone will admit it. I have no secrets when it comes to food. Strawberries are my favorite summer fruit and this strawberry rhubarb galette is the perfect dessert to highlight beautiful summer berries. The Truth About Strawberries Most have no clue, but a strawberry is not a berry […]

apple tarte tatin

Apple Tarte Tatin

An apple tart tatin is a classic French dessert everyone should learn how to make. It is also the perfect easy dessert to make for any holiday meal. Considered a simply pastry where the fruit (most commonly apples) are caramelized in butter and sugar before the tart is baked. A tarte tatin is for the most part, […]

strawberry tart

Strawberry Tart

I’ve been candid about my love-hate with traditional American fruit pies before. Maybe my classic French training is to blame or perhaps it’s my fondness for French food generally. Whatever the reason, my preference is for a fresh fruit tart such as this strawberry tart. And for those who feel that making a homemade pie […]

apple slab pie

Apple Slab Pie

It’s almost game time, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it. This is my favorite holiday of the year by a long shot, which is probably not a surprise to anyone who knows me well. A food-focused day with friends and family, truthfully, I could Thanksgiving frequently. Last year I blogged about a favorite […]

strawberry hand pies

Strawberry Hand Pies

My thoughts on pies are no secret: I’m not a huge cooked fruit person, I say this yet I still enjoy a pie on occasion, especially a good one.  This year, I decided to play around with an easy pie-like type of dessert—fruit hand pies or as my older son calls them, “personal pies”.  I […]

coconut-chocolate almond tart

A Coconut-Chocolate Almond Tart That Is Gluten Free

This is my new favorite tart.  I’m a sucker for anything with coconut.  This rich, decadent tart does not disappoint.  Plus, it’s gluten-free and can be made dairy-free as well!  I have already blogged about how fond I am of tarts: you may have seen the sweet potato tart recipe I shared around Thanksgiving and […]

apple tart

Apple Tart (Tarte Aux Pommes)

A Tarte Aux Pommes, or apple tart as Americans call it, is the quintessential French dessert to me.  This is one of the first sweet pastries I learned to make in culinary school and I still remember how excited I was to learn it.  I also remember how hard it was to master at first. The […]

sweet potato tart

Sweet Potato Tart

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  The main reason?  It’s about food and sharing.  But also because it has no religious undertones nor does it have anything to do with gift-giving; it is just about togetherness.  Each year, I look forward to Thanksgiving months in advance. Thanksgiving is frequently about traditions, which normally means repetition year […]

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