

Soft Pretzel Bites

These yummy little homemade soft pretzel bites were something I created for my older son.  He LOVES pretzels, soft pretzels in particular.  I can’t blame him really, I do as well and I have since I was a kid.  A salted pretzel from a NYC hotdog cart in the city is still a special thing.  Call it a right of passage, my husband and I introduced our son to these when he was two and we were still living in New York; he was hooked at the first bite.

Much to my surprise (and searching) the origins of pretzels remain relatively unknown. Theories have it that in the 7th Century, Italian monks gave their young students treats of baked dough twisted in the shape of crossed arms.  Long ago, the symbol of crossing one’s arms was the traditional posture for praying.  Over time, the three holes visible within a large soft twisted pretzel became associated with the Holy TrinityFather, Son, and Holy Spirit.

pretzel bites

Soon the baked dough treat came to be associated with good fortune, good luck, and long life. Fast forward a bit, when did pretzels make their way to America?  Some say the Pilgrims brought them over on the Mayflower and used them in trade with Native Americans. I’m not sure about that, but we do know German immigrants brought pretzels with them around 1710 when they began settling in Pennsylvania.

pretzel bites

Somewhere around the 1860s, the first hard pretzel bakery popped up under the watchful eye of Lititz Stugis who claimed credit for their creation. As with many other culinary discoveries, he credits the creation of the hard pretzel to an accident, when a batch of soft pretzels were left in the oven too long.  Perfectly believable if you ask me. My son loves hard pretzels as well, but his heart remains with the soft ones.

My recipe for soft pretzel bites is a tad bit easier than making a traditional pretzel as there is no twisting involved, but it is a dough and it does require some rise time.  That said, if you are a pretzel lover, it’s worth it, trust me.  These salty little treats also make a great addition to any Super Bowl party you may be hosting or attending this weekend.

pretzel bites

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

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