baking with apples

Frosted Apple Strudel
I bet you had no idea I’m part German. I used to think that’s where my love of apple strudel came from. But truth be told, strudel is not German. This iconic pastry is most often associated with Austrian cuisine and can be traced back to the 17th century. The first handwritten recipe for a […]

Irish Apple Cake
In the United States St. Patrick’s Day is typically a big deal. I happen to be part Irish, but I am astonished by how elaborate this holiday has become in the States. Instagram goes green weeks before and recipes from green burgers to green cinnamon buns with green frosting flood my feed as I recoil, […]

Apple Slab Pie
It’s almost game time, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it. This is my favorite holiday of the year by a long shot, which is probably not a surprise to anyone who knows me well. A food-focused day with friends and family, truthfully, I could Thanksgiving frequently. Last year I blogged about a favorite […]

Apple Tart (Tarte Aux Pommes)
A Tarte Aux Pommes, or apple tart as Americans call it, is the quintessential French dessert to me. This is one of the first sweet pastries I learned to make in culinary school and I still remember how excited I was to learn it. I also remember how hard it was to master at first. The […]

Caramel Apple Upside-Down Cake
A moist, fluffy, sweet caramel apple upside-down cake is simple but delicious. It’s also the perfect treat to make on a cold winter weekend. Some things in life need little explaining; this is one of them. My preference for cake over pie is no secret. But this is a nice mix of the two. Sweet, […]