
Mochi Brownies
If you’re a brownie fan, keep reading, these outrageous chocolate mochi brownies may just be the dessert of your dreams. Mochi brownies are a delightful fusion of traditional brownies and Japanese mochi. Made with mochiko, (glutinous rice flour), which gives these brownies a slightly chewy feel, in addition to an unexpected bounce and lightness, that […]

Summer Berry Crumble Bars
Ripe, juicy berries are synonymous with summer, and although we are slowly closing out that season, there is no need to panic, frozen berries, can make some amazing things as well. These outrageous and incredibly easy, summer berry crumble bars are loaded with fresh and frozen berries and they are exactly what you need in […]

S’mores Bars
There comes a time every winter when I start thinking of summer. What can I say, I don’t love the cold, well, unless I’m skiing, but that’s a different story. Typically in the February/March timeframe I start to crave summer foods. Fresh-picked strawberries, juicy vine tomatoes, grilled corn, and inevitably, my favorite summertime sweet treat, […]

Raspberry-Coconut Oatmeal Bars
[Updated Recipe] Dessert bars, or simply “bars” and “squares,” are an American creation. Bars are sweet snacks with a cake or a cookie-like texture, made in one pan, and enjoyed any time of the day. Staples of neighborhood bake sales, class parties, and picnics, bars are great any time of the year. I make my […]