British food

Sticky Toffee Pudding
Few desserts can claim the same warm, nostalgic embrace as sticky toffee pudding (also known as sticky date pudding), a British classic that’s as rich in history as it is in flavor. This indulgent dessert is a harmony of moist sponge cake, sweetened with finely chopped dates, drenched in a luxurious toffee sauce, and often […]

Yorkshire Pudding
Life is a bit repetitive these days. But we all have to eat, so I encourage you to use this time to cook new things you’ve never made before. You can do it, be daring, be bold, be different–try this! Yorkshire pudding is one of the most traditional British dishes there are, although the origins […]

Traditional English Crumpets
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve always wanted to be British. Well, in fairness, I’ve always wanted to be British, French, and Korean to be exact. The traditional English crumpet is something I have always loved. As a very young kid I remember whenever my mom made me an English muffin for breakfast, […]

Boxing Day Rolls
In Britain, December 26th is Boxing Day, a national holiday, that celebrates the traditional post-Christmas servant’s day off. Sausage rolls or Boxing Day rolls as they are often called, are a traditional dish served during this holiday celebration. In the past, this day was one of the only days when upper-class families had to survive […]