cucumber cocktail

Cucumber Limeade Mocktail
Nothing says summertime like lemonade. Hot sunny days call for refreshing beverages that are not soda. This is a lovely cucumber-limeade mocktail guaranteed to cool you off day or night. I fell in love with cucumber mojitos years ago while vacationing in Hawaii and I had that flavor in mind when I developed this recipe. […]

A Spring Cleanse Cocktail
If you liked my cucumber-tequila cooler, you may enjoy this refreshing spring cleanse cocktail. Spring cleaning isn’t just for closets. Spring is the season of rejuvenation and renewal. Plants, vegetables, and flowers begin to grow. Spring comes around just as we are all reaching our wits’ end. When we can’t take the long, cold days […]

Cucumber-Tequila Cooler
A special post-shout-out to The Almanac, a local Silicon Valley newspaper, for the awesome piece they just published on me and my blog this week titled “Chef In The House“. I am super excited. In honor of my very first press coverage, I developed this delicious, refreshing cucumber-tequila cooler as a “thank you” to The […]