
Shirred Eggs With Spinach
These are shirred eggs, or oeufs en cocotte as they are known in France. It’s a fancy name for something truly simple. Shirred eggs are really just baked (or coddled) eggs typically with the addition of cream, fresh herbs, and a little cheese, although the permutations are endless. This simple, elegant way of cooking an egg […]

Egg-in-a-hole is what I call it. But there are many other names for this delightfully simple recipe: “bird in a nest,” “egg-in-a-hat,” “toad-in-a-hole,” “one-eyed-monster,” “tigers-eye,” “bullseye,” “private eyes,” and even “barn-yard,” If you are interested in learning about the backstory of this simple dish, I recommend you check out the article “The Ambiguous History of […]