
Peaches And Cream Smoothie
It sure feels like summer takes forever to arrive. The tease of spring can be overwhelming. But then, one day, before you know it, it’s in full force. The sun is bright, the trees lush and the air is warm and encompassing. For me, summer brings a sense of calmness. Life is slower, easier, and […]

Apricot Quick Jam
I don’t typically crave jam. But in the summer, with delicious ripe fruit and berries, it’s more appealing. Right before traveling to Europe, our entire apricot tree ripened at once. Totally serious, the whole tree! I made some coconut-apricot bars using my raspberry-coconut oatmeal bar recipe if you check out my Instagram feed you will see […]

Summer Fruit Platter
I love Summer! Summer is the season for abundant fruit selection. From grocery stores to farm stands, gorgeous, flavorful enticing fruit surrounds us. Just looking at the bountiful selections makes me feel healthier. I have blogged about how to make an irresistible winter fruit platter. Here, some of the same principles apply: focus on fruit that is in […]

Raspberry-Pineapple Protein Slushy
Sometimes a smoothie just doesn’t cut it. So I’m mixing it up a bit with this raspberry-pineapple protein slushy and it’s perfect for the Spring and Summer months. I thought a bright, fruity, protein slushy might be just what I needed to kick-start my Spring and give me a non-caffeinated energy boost. Personally, with all […]

How To Make An Irresistible Winter Fruit Platter
Fruit platters are a common go-to option for any gathering. Like crudités platters, I make them often when I entertain. Fruit is a great healthy option for guests, especially during holiday time, plus it helps add a splash of color to any table. People tend to shy away from fruit arrangements a bit more in the […]