

fruity cocktail

papaya rum punch

Papaya Rum Punch

Papaya rum punch is a vibrant, tropical cocktail that captures the essence of an island getaway in every sip. Combining the luscious sweetness of ripe papaya with the bold kick of rum, this drink is both refreshing and indulgent. Perfect for a summer gathering or a relaxing evening on the back patio, this fruity rum […]

blueberry-basil vodka gimlet

Blueberry-Basil Vodka Gimlet

It remains unclear if a Gimlet was named after a British Admiral ship doctor named Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette or for a tool called a “gimlet” that is used to tap barrels of alcohol aboard 19th-century British naval vessels.  What is widely known is that scurvy (caused by a lack of vitamin C) could bring […]

vodka blackberry breeze

Vodka Blackberry Breeze Cocktail

Hello Summer! Is it just me, or have you been waiting for it as much as I have?  Long sunny carefree days and no school lunches are something to celebrate in my house. After living in California for 11 years now, I need warm temperatures and lots of sunlight. Summer delivers both in abundance.  Summertime […]

vodka lemonade

Vodka Lemonade

I don’t feel like I’m 45.  So much so that recently, I have caught myself saying the wrong age–like 44, or 25. They always said that would happen. I’m not going to complain about being 45.  Age is all relative, and truthfully I only feel old sometimes. Typically, it’s a few days after doing something […]

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