Jewish holiday baking

Noah’s Favorite Challah Bread
Challah is a bread Jews consume on the Sabbath and holidays and it is surrounded by folklore, tradition, and symbolism. Braided challahs with three, four, or six strands are the most common. And because the braids look like arms intertwined, many people believe that they represent love. Noah’s Bar Mitzvah This is Noah’s favorite challah […]

Nutella Hamantaschen
Like potato latkes, Hamantaschens are something my family enjoys year-round, not just on Purim. Purim is the Jewish holiday to celebrate the Jewish people being saved from Haman. The tradition of eating hamantaschen on Purim began in Europe. The name is derived from two German words: “mohn“, meaning poppy seed, and “teschen“, meaning pockets. “Mohntaschen” […]

Chocolate-Raspberry Walnut Rugelach
These chocolate-raspberry walnut rugelach are by far one of my favorite cookies. Within the history of Jewish foods that have traveled across continents, there are many examples of flavor changes and other adaptations, rugelach is one of them. What is Rugelach? Rugelach, pronounced “ROO-gəl-əkh“, for those unfamiliar, are crescent-shaped, yeast dough pastries with a variety of fillings […]

A Coconut-Chocolate Almond Tart That Is Gluten Free
This is my new favorite tart. I’m a sucker for anything with coconut. This rich, decadent tart does not disappoint. Plus, it’s gluten-free and can be made dairy-free as well! I have already blogged about how fond I am of tarts: you may have seen the sweet potato tart recipe I shared around Thanksgiving and […]

Homemade Matzo For Passover
If you eat matzo during the eight days of Passover (or just want a fun cooking project with kids) try making this easy homemade matzo recipe, it is so good, that you may never go back to the store-bought stuff. This recipe can be made will regular all-purpose flour or whole wheat flour, both are […]