

modern cocktail

Tommy Gun cocktail

Tommy Gun Cocktail

Is called a Tommy Gun cocktail. This recipe is a slightly adapted version of San Francisco Mixologist Jacques Bezuindenhout’s brilliant signature creation which I’ve long admired. In my version, this sour, which references the iconic firearm wielded by Prohibition-era gangsters, gets its zing from a little ginger liquor, and a punch from a generous pour of […]

hard cider sangria

Hard Cider Sangria

Hello fall! There are many things I love about the fall season, the warm days with cool nights, the crisp air, sweaters of any kind, fall vegetables, Thanksgiving, my birthday, and almost anything involving apples. I also adore sangria. So that is how we got to this new fall favorite of mine, hard cider sangria. […]

Toronha cocktail

Toronha Cocktail

The margarita is undoubtedly the most popular tequila cocktail the world over, followed by the Paloma. The Toromha cocktail is a close cousin of the margarita and is believed to have been invented by the Tequila Tezon company. The “Toronha” name comes from “toronja” (the Spanish word for grapefruit) and takes the extra ‘h’ from the […]

paper plane

Paper Plane

This beauty is called a Paper Plain. Chances are, you’ve never heard of this cocktail before. This is a pandemic favorite of my husband. And It is not lost on me that this drink has “plane” in the title, something we haven’t been able to step foot on in some time. Life can be ironic […]

blueberry-basil vodka gimlet

Blueberry-Basil Vodka Gimlet

It remains unclear if a Gimlet was named after a British Admiral ship doctor named Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette or for a tool called a “gimlet” that is used to tap barrels of alcohol aboard 19th-century British naval vessels.  What is widely known is that scurvy (caused by a lack of vitamin C) could bring […]

spiced rum old fashioned

Spiced Rum Old Fashioned

An old-fashioned is one of the greatest “classic” bourbon-based cocktails around. Even through the years, this old-time favorite has rained king. Invented in Louisville, Kentucky, this simple drink contains just a few basic ingredients: whisky, sugar, bitters, and an orange twist. Sweetened traditionally with a single sugar cube, an old-fashioned falls in the “serious drink” […]

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