Oven S’mores

S’mores Bars
There comes a time every winter when I start thinking of summer. What can I say, I don’t love the cold, well, unless I’m skiing, but that’s a different story. Typically in the February/March timeframe I start to crave summer foods. Fresh-picked strawberries, juicy vine tomatoes, grilled corn, and inevitably, my favorite summertime sweet treat, […]

Oven Skillet S’mores
Oven s’mores are my new thing. S’mores make me happy in the summer; toasting marshmallows on long skewers brings me joy (all except the part when my boys start sparring with the utensils). National S’mores Day is not till August 10th, but who can wait that long? Having a skillet version any time of year […]