power bites

Cowboy “Cookie” Power Bites
I’ve always had a fascination with cowboys. But being raised as a city kid, I’m not exactly sure why or how. I’ve never actually met a real cowboy; only the want-to-be’s. The family ranch vacation where you become a cowboy/girl for the week is on my list of things to do, but somehow my fear […]

Whole Grain Cranberry Nut Energy Bites
Power bites and power bars continue to fascinate me. I have been enjoying various types, and so has my family. Honestly, you can’t go wrong if you are trying to come up with an option in your apartment or house; just let your flavor preference guide you. These are my latest. These are cranberry nut […]

Coconut-Fig Chunks Of Energy, Because Anna Asked
If there is one culinary trend from the last year that I kept spotting, it is the popularity of power snacks. Easy, small, no-bake, healthful bites, balls, bars, and chunks of food for quick snacking. My good friend from college introduced me to these tasty treats, and I’ve been gobbling them ever since. I’ve developed […]

Renewable Energy, Power Bites Part II
Post-holiday, an energy power bite may be just what we all need. I read an article recently referring to trendy, nutrient-packed energy bars and bites referred to as “renewable energy.” I like that: it’s catchy and on point. My previous blog about Protein Power Bites was so popular, that I felt a follow-up was due, […]

Protein Power Bites
Power bars, protein snacks, and energy drinks are all some of the products you see on store shelves selling “power” and “energy.” Don’t be deceived: most don’t have either; many are not healthy; and most of us avoid equating sugar with energy. A good friend of mine from college, a marathon runner, a mom of […]