quail egg

Truffled Quail Eggs
Truffled quail eggs have been a favorite of mine for many years. If you’ve been to a dinner party I’ve hosted, chances are you’ve had them. These flavorful, mini, deviled eggs, make phenomenal hors d’oeuvre at just about any gathering no matter what the occasion. What Are Quail Eggs? Quail eggs are, rather obviously, the […]

What To Do With Quail Eggs – Trulffled Quail Egg Toasts
Quail eggs have long been considered a delicacy in many parts of the world including Asia, Europe, and North America. Surprisingly, in other countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, a hard-boiled quail egg is not unusual or considered exotic. In those countries, quail eggs can even be seen as garnish on a hot dog. […]