summer desserts

German Lemon Cake (Zitronenkuchen)
Sundays are a time for cake in Germany. Many Germans enjoy cake with their afternoon coffee on this day. Although Germans drink coffee during the work week, typically in the late afternoon, Sundays are different. Sundays are a day of rest and even mowing your lawn is forbidden on this day. According to Ladenöffnungszeitengesetz (the […]

Chocolate Pudding
Although I am not a die-hard chocolate fanatic, many I know are. This recipe is for them. Chocolate can make many wonderful things, pudding is one of them. Chocolate pudding was a childhood treat that sometimes appeared in my school lunch box. But the kind I ate was not the homemade kind, it came in […]

Frosted Blueberry Pie Bars
Let’s face it, pie baking is not for everyone. And that is fine. I fell into that category at one point, so I do get it. Pies are complicated endeavors. You’ve got to be invested in the process to make a great pie. And that’s not so easy, as all elements of a pie matter; […]

Cherry Cobbler
A cherry cobbler is the perfect dessert for Labor Day, even if you, like me, will be home, without friends and extended family, doing nothing much at all. But let’s cut to the chase, and discuss the the subtle difference between a cobbler, a crisp, and a crumble, the three desserts that frequently get grouped. […]

Summer Berry Sorbet
Despite my boys being back in school, technically, it’s still summer. This has always been a strange thing for me to accept. In New York, school started after Labor Day. Even after so many years living on the West Coast, that still seems “normal“. With August winding to a close, Northern California is still seeing […]