summer smoothie

Peaches And Cream Smoothie
It sure feels like summer takes forever to arrive. The tease of spring can be overwhelming. But then, one day, before you know it, it’s in full force. The sun is bright, the trees lush and the air is warm and encompassing. For me, summer brings a sense of calmness. Life is slower, easier, and […]

Tropical Pineapple Smoothie
The wait for summer sometimes seems endless. It’s funny, I remember feeling that way as a kid, but I guess some things never change. Summer not only means warmer weather, it means longer days, more laid-back attitudes, and for me (and many parents out there), a temporary respite from making school lunches. Summer also brings […]

Mango-Pineapple Protein Smoothie
This mango-pineapple protein smoothie is a must-try for kids and adults. Mangos, the “the king of fruits,” is a member of the drupe family, a type of plant food in which an outer fleshy part surrounds a shell (or pit) with a seed inside. Olives and dates are also drupes. Mangos can range in color, […]

Blueberry-Cherry Powerhouse Antioxidant Smoothie
This is a blueberry-cherry powerhouse antioxidant smoothie and it is delicious. It’s summer and everyone should eat more blueberries and cherries, but not just because they are fresh and plentiful. Often referred to as a “superfood,” blueberries are low in calories and incredibly good for you, more than people truly realize. They are considered to […]