

vanilla frosting

strawberry cupcakes

Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

I gotta say, I’m a sucker for fresh strawberry cupcakes. The fresh strawberry buttercream frosting on top is just a bonus. These light, flavorful strawberry cupcakes represent summer in all its glory. You can’t make them in winter, you need beautiful, juicy, summer berries to make them as fantastic as they are intended to be. […]

vanilla confetti birthday cake

Vanilla Confetti Birthday Cake

November is a great month.  I mainly love this month because my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, falls at the end of it.  But November is also my birthday month, as well as the birthday month for several good friends.  The older I get, the less I seem to like my birthday.  As they say, kids spend […]

mummy cakes

Vanilla Mummy Cakes

To me, Halloween and cupcakes just go together.  Maybe that’s because I’m a mom, maybe that’s because cupcakes are easy, or maybe that’s because these individual cakes fill the need for a small(ish) sweet treat when you’re the parent responsible for snacks at the school class party. Whatever the case, I like cupcakes and I […]

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