winter meal

Instant Pot Venezuelan Shredded Beef
This Instant Pot Venezuelan shredded beef recipe is a family favorite and one my husband has been making for a while now. This is not my recipe, I have adapted it lightly, but the original can be found here. This is the first Instant Pot recipe on my blog, and it’s an easy one I […]

Chicken Orzo Soup
The saying chicken soup is good for the soul is one I’ve always loved. What’s funny about that phrase is that when you Google it what pops up the most in the search is Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, two motivational speakers who, in 1993, had the simple idea that people could help each other by […]

Moroccan Stewed Chickpeas With Spinach
Let’s talk about chickpeas and how awesome they are. My older son eats them straight up, a habit he picked up from me. Also called garbanzo beans, these babies are not only delicious, they are packed with protein and vitamins. Although most people think of them as a vegetable, chickpeas are a legume with a slightly […]