

How To Butterfly A Chicken Breast

butterflying chicken breast

Step 1: Trim, and wash chicken breast, pat dry with a paper towel. Place on a cutting board.

butterflying chicken breast

Step 2: Place your hand (palm side down) on the chicken, slightly off center. With a sharp chefs knife, slowly and carefully entering from the top right hand corner, begin to slice through the chicken breast.

butterflying chicken breast

Step 3: Continue to move your chefs knife almost entirely through the chicken breast. Do not let your knife cut entirely though and come out the other side. Put the knife aside, open the chicken up creating almost a heart shape.

butterflying chicken breast

Step 4: Turn the chicken over and with a tenderizer (or mallet) gently pound the chicken breast out flattening it. At this point, if you wish, you can go ahead and trim the butterflied chicken breast further for a more uniform look. Note: You can also cut the butterflied chicken breasts in half to allow for a thinner cutlet when cooking cutlets such as in Eli’s Chicken.

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

One thought on "How To Butterfly A Chicken Breast"

  1. Thanks for your helpful tips.
    Easy and Quick Snacks Recipe

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