
Israeli Jelly Donuts “Sufganiyot”
Sufganiyot, also known as, Israeli jelly donuts or “Hanukkah donuts” are deep-fried jelly donuts that are traditionally eaten in Israel during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Here the oil used to fry the donuts, like a traditional latke, is reminiscent of the oil that miraculously burned— according to the Hanukkah story—in the ancient Temple in Jerusalem. Filled […]

Panettone (Italian Christmas Bread)
During the Christmas season, Americans enjoy decorated sugar cookies, the English have plum or Christmas pudding and the Italians have panettone, a sweet Milanese bread with hints of citrus, vanilla, and candied fruit. Panettone is a staple of Italian festivities dating back to the Middle Ages. Back then, people celebrated Christmas by replacing their traditional […]

Cherry Kolaczki (Polish Christmas Cookies)
Kolaczki, or Polish jam cookies as they are also called, are a popular holiday cookie not only in Poland but also in the Czech Republic, Russia, Austria, and Denmark. For me, they are a recent discovery. My younger son is a jam lover, so these cherry Kolaczki have become a new favorite in our household. […]

Duck A L’Orange
According to Julia Child, roast duck with orange sauce is “one of the most well-known of all the duck dishes.” Because of this, by the 1960s almost every French restaurant served this iconic dish that Julia helped popularize. The world was hooked and we’ve never looked back. Duck a l’orange is a well-known dish with deep […]

Spiced Rum Old Fashioned
An old-fashioned is one of the greatest “classic” bourbon-based cocktails around. Even through the years, this old-time favorite has rained king. Invented in Louisville, Kentucky, this simple drink contains just a few basic ingredients: whisky, sugar, bitters, and an orange twist. Sweetened traditionally with a single sugar cube, an old-fashioned falls in the “serious drink” […]

Elephant Ears (Palmier Cookies)
For those that don’t know, these are Elephant Ear cookies, or French Palmier cookies as they are more formally known. But these crispy, buttery, elegant cookies are a childhood favorite and ones I love to make during the holidays. Made with puff pasty (also known as pâte feuilletée), these rich cookies dusted lightly with sugar and […]

Cowboy “Cookie” Power Bites
I’ve always had a fascination with cowboys. But being raised as a city kid, I’m not exactly sure why or how. I’ve never actually met a real cowboy; only the want-to-be’s. The family ranch vacation where you become a cowboy/girl for the week is on my list of things to do, but somehow my fear […]

Pot Pie
I love a great homemade pot pie, always have, always will. Pot pies were something I grew up eating. But at my age, they are now considered an indulgent treat. My whole family loves these savory pot pies and who can blame them, they are a rich comfort food that’s perfect on a cold winter […]

Cranberry Coffee Cake
I love coffee cake and I don’t discriminate. What I love most about coffee cake is how many different variations there are, from fruity, to crumbly, the combinations are limitless. I enjoy making coffee cakes that align with the season, as is the case here with this lovely vanilla cranberry coffee cake. Simple, flavorful, festive, […]

Chard And Green Bean Salad With Mustard Seeds
Dark, leafy green vegetables are among the most nutrient-dense foods, and let’s face it, we could all benefit from eating more of them. Some say kale is the “king of greens”, but Swiss chard is equally impressive in its wide array of nutritional benefits. Swiss chard is a leafy green belonging to the goosefoot family, which […]

Thanksgiving Mushroom-Sausage Stuffing
I always considered myself a mashed potato person, but my sister loved Thanksgiving stuffing. It took me a few years, but I got there. Thanksgiving is my preferred holiday. I’ve mentioned this before, but a holiday based around food, friends, and family is the perfect holiday for me. Thanksgiving has no real rules when it […]

Pumpkin Cheesecake With A Pretzel-Graham Cracker Crust
Yes, believe it or not, there is a National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, it’s October 21st. It’s funny, I would have thought it was closer to Thanksgiving. The Fall baking season is in full swing, holiday meal planning has begun and pumpkin desserts are now more popular than ever. So naturally, a dessert combining two of America’s […]

Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Almonds & Pomegranate
Love or hate them, Brussels sprouts have been considered a tradition at Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations for centuries. My childhood memories of sprouts are not flattering. Most of my friends have similar stories. To clarify, there is nothing more unappealing than a mushy, flavorless, overcooked sprout–nothing! But this dish for roasted Brussels sprouts with almonds and […]

Fall Smash Cocktail
Put down the pumpkin and back away. The Fall season offers so much more than pumpkin bread and Halloween jack-o-lanterns. The cooler months bring lovely changing colors, shorter days, cozy nights, and rich, flavorful cocktails that warm your body from the toes up. While I lean slightly toward the lighter, fruity, less sweet cocktails generally, […]

Baked Garlic Fries
I recently learned that potatoes originated in South America and that although they were brought over to Europe in the early 1500s, it actually took a few hundred years for people to get over their apparent distrust of this strange new food. Fascinating. Fast forward to current times, potatoes, in any form, are considered a […]