

Boxing Day Rolls

In Britain, December 26th is Boxing Day, a national holiday, that celebrates the traditional post-Christmas servant’s day off. Sausage rolls or Boxing Day rolls as they are often called, are a traditional dish served during this holiday celebration. In the past, this day was one of the only days when upper-class families had to survive on leftovers. Those meals often included these tasty little rolls.  The English, in keeping with tradition, continue to make and eat these delicious savory pastries every December 26th, so on this day I tip my hat to the British.
Boxing Day rolls

The concept is simple: sausage wrapped in a delicate pastry, baked until it’s golden brown.  The French call this delicacy “pate en croute;” here in the United States; the closest thing we have is a mini version known as “pigs-in-a-blanket.”  That is not nearly as classy, but the concept is very similar.

Boxing Day rolls

I have been to England a few times, but sadly I have never had Boxing Day rolls there. I began making these rolls at my husband’s request a few years ago based on the New York Times article he read about the well-known pastry. My husband will on occasion pass on recipes to me. If they are interesting enough, I’ll try them, but I almost always change them—that is the chef in me.

I am not British and we don’t celebrate Boxing Day.  But I make Boxing Day rolls or as my kids call them, “sausage rolls,” often because they are delicious and incredibly easy to make. I consider this a quick dinner: there are some shortcuts in this recipe to make it faster, such as using a good quality frozen puff pasty instead of making your own.  The recipe can also be easily prepped during the day, refrigerated, and baked right before dinner time.  This is also a fantastic recipe for larger groups, similar to Beef Wellington, is a great crowd-pleaser, but a lot less work!

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

2 thoughts on "Boxing Day Rolls"

  1. Avatar photo Melissa | Bless this Mess says:

    Such interesting history! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for reading Melissa 🙂

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