

Coconut-Fig Chunks Of Energy, Because Anna Asked

If there is one culinary trend from the last year that I kept spotting, it is the popularity of power snacks. Easy, small, no-bake, healthful bites, balls, bars, and chunks of food for quick snacking.  My good friend from college introduced me to these tasty treats, and I’ve been gobbling them ever since.  I’ve developed recipes and blogged about these popular snack foods before,  cocoa + coconut power bites, oatmeal + almond power bites, renewable energy squares, quinoa + oat breakfast bars, and now these yummy coconut-fig chunks of energy.

coconut-fig chunks of energy

This recipe is one I developed for my good friend’s daughter, Anna. Anna is 10 and a killer athlete (at least if you ask me).  Anna is fearless, she can out-ski most people I know, both on snow and on water.  She also plays soccer, softball, and basketball.  She is great at all of them.  Anna also likes good food.  This is something we have bonded over.  She recently had a power bite that she liked that included fig and coconut.  She “challenged” me to make one.  And so I did.

coconut-fig chunks of energy

I have always been a fig fan, so this was a happy challenge.  Figs have numerous health benefits: they are rich in fiber and high in calcium, Vitamin A, B1, and B2. The base of this recipe involves dried figs mixed with some dried dates.  They are combined with finely chopped unsweetened coconut, whole grain oats, almond butter, dark chocolate, and flax seeds.

coconut-fig chunks of energy

The fig-coconut mixture gets molded and set in a baking pan before slicing.  The no-bake aspect makes these easy go-to treats.  And kids Anna’s age can make these all by themselves.  I cut these guys small because they are sweet.  Figs will do that to a recipe.  So remember a little goes a long way.

coconut-fig chunks of energy

To finish the chunks, just roll them in unsweetened shredded coconut to coat.  I recommend storing them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh, plus, I think they are extra delicious when they are slightly chilled.  Stored properly, they will keep for about two weeks.  So you may want to make a double batch when you try them.

Anna has not yet tried my coconut fig chunks: she was off skiing when I developed them.  I will await my youngest reader’s verdict.  Hopefully, she will write up a review soon!

coconut-fig chunks of energy

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

2 thoughts on "Coconut-Fig Chunks Of Energy, Because Anna Asked"

  1. Avatar photo ebro2401 says:

    Definitely making these!!! Thanks for a new twist on the power bites!!

    1. You are very welcome! LMK how they turn out 🙂

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