

Marion’s Killer Chocolate Chip Meringues

Meringues are delicious and Marion’s, although you may not know her, are top-notch.  Marion is a dear family friend.  I have known Marion a very long time–since I was eleven, to be exact–and I adore her.

My mother-in-law first met Marion in 1975 through their sons, who entered kindergarten together at The Calhoun School, where I went to middle school and high school. The boys became great friends, as did the moms.  To quote my mother-in-law, “Marion was a great cook and baker. I use the past tense because she gave it up years ago (as most of us did…) except for a few dessert specialties like the meringues (great for Passover), brownies (perfect anytime), and a frozen out-of-this-world ice cream concoction with warm chocolate sauce that is reserved for very, very special occasions”.

chocolate chip meringue

This is Marion’s recipe for chocolate chip meringues, which she is allowing me to share.  There is nothing fancy about the ingredients, but these meringues are one of my very favorite things.  I have not had a meringue made by Marion in 10 years since I left New York and moved to California with my family, but I remember them vividly and compare them to every single meringue I have had since. Hers are undoubtedly the best.

A meringue, pronounced “ma-RANG,” is a type of dessert made from whipped egg whites, sugar, and occasionally with an acidic ingredient such as cream of tartar or citrus. They are often associated with French, Swiss, and Italian cuisines.  The key to making a good meringue is obtaining stiff (or firm) peaks when whipping the egg whites. Working with egg whites (as is the case with these cookies) is an important and sometimes tricky technique, so below I have added a bit about whipping egg whites and the various stages you see when working with them.

egg white 1

Foamy: Egg whites are still in a liquid form. You will see some foaming and they may begin to appear opaque.

egg white 2

Soft Peaks: Egg whites are now white and can hold their shape and will not slide out of the bowl if tipped. When lifting the whisk, soft peaks will form and slump slightly to the side.

egg white 4

Glossy Egg Whites: Adding sugar (or other ingredients) to whipped egg whites can either add flavor, help stabilize, or increase volume.  Cream of tartar is added to this recipe to stabilize the protein and increase the volume needed for making meringues.  Sugar is also gradually added.  If it’s added too fast, the egg whites will collapse the foam, so slow and steady is the best way.  Adding sugar causes the egg whites to take on a glossy almost velvety appearance.

chocolate chip meringue

So, if you are a meringue lover, need something to bring to a Passover seder in the Spring, or just want a good recipe to try, I suggest you try these. I head back to New York for Thanksgiving, fingers are crossed I will see Marion and have one of her famous meringues again then.

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

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