

Pear-Oat Almond Smoothie

For my 2nd post of Smoothie Week, I developed this tasty and satisfying Fall-focused, pear-oat almond smoothie. Even though it is not quite Fall, I am a bit obsessed with this smoothie right now. This is a great, go-to breakfast smoothie that is smooth, filling, and loaded with nutritional value. No time for a hot breakfast?  Not a fan of protein powders?  This smoothie may be just what you need on a busy morning, especially with the kiddos back in school.

pear-oat almond smoothie

Pears are abundant in the Fall and these juicy fruits are a fantastic source of fiber. Also rich in antioxidants, pears have been cultivated for over 3,000 years. Although the beloved apple often gets credited for providing pectin, pears are a substantially better source. Who knew? Considered a soluble fiber, pectin is what binds to fatty substances and helps with their elimination.

Pears mixed with oats make a lovely, earthy yet still fruity flavor combo that I have fallen in love with. With subtle flavors, this hearty smoothie is a great option that works well in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up for kids and adults alike.

pear-oat almond smoothie

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

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