

specialty cocktail

blueberry-basil vodka gimlet

Blueberry-Basil Vodka Gimlet

It remains unclear if a Gimlet was named after a British Admiral ship doctor named Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette or for a tool called a “gimlet” that is used to tap barrels of alcohol aboard 19th-century British naval vessels.  What is widely known is that scurvy (caused by a lack of vitamin C) could bring […]

gin martini

Empress Gin Martini

In the 50s, a gin martini was what mom and dad sipped before dinner with the family, but not a lot has changed since then. Considered an iconic cocktail, a simple gin martini is one of the world’s most famous drinks. With its clean, bracing taste, there is no mystery to the martini, and all […]

pear gin fizz

Spiced Pear Gin Fizz

This beauty is a spiced pear gin fizz, and it is delicious.  Flavorful and lovely to look at, yet very different from my apple gin fizz cocktail I posted about not that long ago, I found this recipe on Jelly Toast, a blog by another foodie/photographer, Emily Caruso.  I just had to try it.  If […]


Madras Cocktail

Have you ever heard of a Madras?  This beauty is my new favorite cocktail.  Technically speaking, a Madras is similar to a Sea Breeze.  Some call them cousins.  Both are made with vodka and cranberry juice.  But where a Sea Breeze includes grapefruit juice, a Madras substitutes orange juice. As I dabble with mixology and […]

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