

Protein Power Bites

Power bars, protein snacks, and energy drinks are all some of the products you see on store shelves selling “power” and “energy.”  Don’t be deceived: most don’t have either; many are not healthy; and most of us avoid equating sugar with energy.  A good friend of mine from college, a marathon runner, a mom of three, and a fellow blogger, recently introduced me to the world of power bites. She makes them often and her kids (all athletes) eat them as well.  I have managed to hook myself.

These little bites are easy to make, store well, and are a healthy protein alternative or pick-me-up that you can munch during the day.  Good protein-rich options can be filling and give an energy boost that lasts.  Is there anyone who does not need a boost around 3 p.m.?  Power bites, or protein bites, have limitless recipe options; you can truly make them out of almost anything and adjust them to your likes.

Sweeter, saltier, nuttier, crunchier–you name it, it’s possible.  Power bites are very easy to make and don’t typically involve cooking, making them a relatively easy and less expensive alternative to the junk you see in the grocery store.  I kept these on hand recently while skiing.  What I found so appealing is that they are a quick, easy, healthier snack alternative, and they gave me energy!

power bites

The first recipe for Oatmeal + Almond Butter Power Bites is one I developed after playing around in the kitchen for a bit with some of my favorite ingredients.  The second recipe for Cocoa + Coconut Power Bites is one my friend sent me and I adapted slightly from Mark Sisson’s  Cocoa and Coconut Snack Recipe on his blog, Mark’s Daily Apple.  Sisson, a former elite endurance athlete, is also a health and fitness nut who talks about healthy snacking on his blog.  My friend said Sisson’s recipe is a go-to for her, and a perfect snack after a long run.

About the Author

Andrea Potischman

I am a professionally trained NYC chef turned CA mom and food blogger. I post about real food, with doable ingredient lists that are family friendly.

3 thoughts on "Protein Power Bites"

  1. Avatar photo Beth Cobos says:

    This recipe pushed me to finally purchase a food processor. The little extra steps like toasting the oats and processing them together with the other ingredients make these sooo much better than the recipes I’ve pinned on Pinterest. Thanks for the yummy snack which my entire family enjoys!

    1. That is awesome Beth. Love, love, love it! Thank you for telling me this, made my day 🙂

  2. Avatar photo Wendy Brown says:

    Can’t wait to try out your recipes for the protein bites slightly tweaked, Dre! And completely perfect for a ski vacation. Beware, addicting as well!!

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